Premonition have recently finished the Guidebook for Lambeth Palace. The design of the brochure is understated but classic with a hint of age in the dark sepia text and cream paper. Premonition took a lot of the photos as well and it was a real joy to be let loose in such a historic and beautiful building with my DSLR. We also worked (co-)art directing the shoot with Prudence Cuming Associates who brought in the big guns with their Phase One large format camera and took pictures with astonishing detail. All the pages here feature pictures by Geoff from Premonition Design. Because we were working closely with the Archbishop’s office, we were invited to his Christmas reception, and we met the man himself. He does seem extraordinarily nice for someone in high office and Geoff’s opinion of him was further bolstered when he read in the Big Issue that, before he was a Bishop, Rowan Williams was arrested for singing Psalms at a CND demo outside RAF Lakenheath. Respect.