Sean Klein Media

sean klein media responsive website design
We designed this site for ex-BBC Brussels bureau supremo Sean Klein, who now works helping organisations with media strategy in the ever changing landscape of European politics. Sean also needed a new logo for this consultancy service and this logo, in plain but iconic Gill Sans capitals is the result.

Irene Serra Jazz Singer

Irene Serra is a singer with roots in jazz and projects embracing cross-over pop and electronica.
We’ve given the site a dark and sultry look and spiced it up with the very latest web technology.
We’ve implemented a jquery animation, which will work on all modern devices, leaving behind the flash plug-in content of old.
A showcase responsive site, this site combines content from twitter, soundcloud and youtube, and presents it so it is viewable on all devices. The site adapts depending on the device viewing it, so it should look as good on a Tesco’s tablet (the beautifully named ‘hudl’), or last year’s Samsung, as it will on whatever Apple release next year.

Storey Communications Identity and Responsive Web Site


Identity and Responsive Web Design for Storey Communications

Storey Communications is a new communications training organisation launched by the veteran ‘comms’ expert, Campbell Storey. We developed a new identity for the brand, and designed a responsive website which adapts itself to work across desktop, tablet and mobile spaces.

The identity process

We conducted a thorough briefing with Storey’s, helping us to gain an understanding of the direction of the company and helping them clarify how they wanted it to be represented. We discussed:

  • Products and services
  • Historical background and state of the market
  • Strengths and achievements
  • Competitive positioning
  • Goals for the campaign
  • Target audiences and their demographics
  • Clarifying the message
  • …and more.

After this thoroughgoing analysis, we researched graphic design ideas to get an idea of how Storey’s felt their organisation should be represented visually. We used mood boards like the one below as a springboard to discuss various design ideas and, through these discussions, get a real handle on the sort of things that would work for Storey Communications.
Then we came up with some logo design concepts:
The logo on the right was the chosen and after some very minor tweaks, we had the new logo for Storey’s:

Annual Report and Prospectus

We work for a number of education business partnerships and this was for REBEP/HBEP (the BEP group) who support Redbridge and Havering school students. We designed a matching pair of logos when the two boroughs merged their business education provision and built a visual identity around them.

London Buddhist Centre

The London Buddhist Centre had a successful identity but around the time it celebrated its 30 year anniversary, they decided to refresh the look. Premonition designed this iconic logo, set simply in Trade Gothic at a slight angle.