Identity and Responsive Web Design for Storey Communications
Storey Communications is a new communications training organisation launched by the veteran ‘comms’ expert, Campbell Storey. We developed a new identity for the brand, and designed a responsive website which adapts itself to work across desktop, tablet and mobile spaces.
The identity process
We conducted a thorough briefing with Storey’s, helping us to gain an understanding of the direction of the company and helping them clarify how they wanted it to be represented. We discussed:
- Products and services
- Historical background and state of the market
- Strengths and achievements
- Competitive positioning
- Goals for the campaign
- Target audiences and their demographics
- Clarifying the message
- …and more.
After this thoroughgoing analysis, we researched graphic design ideas to get an idea of how Storey’s felt their organisation should be represented visually. We created bespoke mood boards like the one below as a springboard to discuss our various design ideas and, through these discussions, get a real handle on the sort of things that would work for Storey Communications.
Then we came up with some logo design concepts:
The logo on the right was the chosen and after some very minor tweaks, we had the new logo for Storey’s: